Saturday, March 15, 2008

Make Safe Driving Your 2008 New Year's Resolution

This artical got from auto insuranc website: (

Each year millions of people across the globe make a series of New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, quit smoking and get out of debt. But you never hear of anyone resolving to drive safer in the New Year. Why you might ask? Well, many Americans most likely think they are already good drivers and their driving skills aren’t in need of refining. Nice thought, but that is highly unlikely. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 2006 Traffic Safety Facts, there were 42,642 automobile accidents in 2006. Though this number has declined over the past five years, it is still a high number of accidents occurring in one year, which makes you think – are Americans really up to par when it comes to driving?
“Nowadays drivers are multitasking while they are driving,” stated David Roush, CEO of, the nation’s largest online auto insurance agency. “Drivers are talking on their phones, listening to their iPods, talking to passengers, eating or –sadly– trying to read the newspaper while driving. When you mix driving with hazards like these, you are not only putting yourself at risk for an accident, you are also putting everyone else around you at risk.”

Don’t think people are really doing all these things while they are driving? Think again. According to the Safe Driving Institute, Inc’s website:

77% of drivers said they talk on their cell phones while driving
60% said they either frequently or occasionally eat while driving
50% admitted to making obscene or rude gestures or comments to other drivers, particularly those who cut in front of them on the highway
50% reported that they have almost fallen asleep while driving
And 53% of drivers pay a surcharge on their auto insurance policy because of their poor driving record
Commit to becoming a better driver as your 2008 New Year’s Resolution To help you become a safer driver in 2008, has some tips to improve your driving skills and make the roads a safer place for everyone.

1. Take a defensive driving course
While many of us don’t want to believe it, we could all use a little refresher course when it comes to driving. To help keep you safe on the road and remind you how to handle a car in bad weather conditions, many cities offer defensive driving classes. To find out if your city or town offers such a class, contact your local police department or DMV.

2. Ditch the cell phone
Talking on your cell phone can be as deadly as drinking and driving. Many times drivers begin to focus too much on the conversation and not enough on the road conditions surrounding them. If you have to take a phone call, pull over to the side of the road or wait until you can reach a rest stop and call the person back. This way you can give the caller your full attention and not have to try to do two things at once.

3. Follow the speed limit
If you habitually drive over the speed limit, you could be putting yourself and others at risk. And while it may not seem like it when you are in a rush, speed limits are created to help keep everyone safer. Plus, driving over the limit can cause you to receive speeding tickets, points on your driver’s license and potentially make your auto insurance premium go up.

4. Say goodbye to snacking in the car
Driving and eating at the same time can create a huge driving hazard while on the road, especially if you drop something and try to pick it up. In fact, it is such a hazard that the State of Michigan has a “no food within reach” driver’s license restriction for drivers who have been involved in numerous accidents related to food. So this year, make one of your 2008 New Year’s Resolutions to stop eating and driving. Not only will you be a safer driver, your waistline may thank you as well.

5. Use your turn signals
Often times drivers change lanes or turn without using their turn signals. If you are one of these drivers, consider making a conscious effort in 2008 to use your left and right turn signals while driving. It will help keep you safe and help notify other drivers around you of your next “move.”

6. Always look before moving
Along with not using turn signals, many drivers do not use their mirrors or look over their shoulder before they switch lanes. Carelessness like this often results in costly fender benders and lengthy traffic jams. So to help keep your car in optimal condition and to help keep everyone safe on the road this year, make sure to use your mirrors and look before you switch lanes. Your bumper and the other drivers on the road will thank you for it.

7. Update your car insurance
While this may seem silly, many people rarely update or even review their auto insurance policy. This can lead to paying higher car insurance premiums or having insufficient coverage in the event of an accident.

8. Say goodbye to road rage
We all have done it or experienced it at one time or another – road rage. And while it may seem justified as someone cuts you off or rides your bumper, it is not. Road rage only adds to the hazardous conditions of the road. In 2008, try taking a different approach and calmly and safely adjust to the hazardous situation at hand. This will help you stay calm and help keep everyone around you safe as well.

9. Reading while driving is never a good idea
Due to our busy lives many Americans try to multitask, including reading the daily newspaper while behind the wheel. If you are looking for something other than listening to the radio while driving to and from work consider picking up some books on tape. These can help you catch up on some “reading” while ensuring that your eyes are on the road and your hands are on the wheel.

10. Wear your seatbelt
If you don’t already wear your seatbelt while driving, vow to make it a 2008 New Year’s Resolution. Not only is it the law, it can also help save your life.

Make Safe Driving Your 2008 New Year's Resolution.

Biggest traffic accident in Emirates

The number of dead is expected to rise because of serious cases
Killing 3 and injuring 277 in the biggest traffic accident Emirates because of fog

Police said the UAE that three people were killed and 277 injured Tuesday when a 11-3-2008 dozens of cars and buses because of thick fog in what might be the biggest traffic accident in the Emirates.

The police reported that about 20 cars were burnt in the accident during the morning rush hour on the main road between the capital city of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. And clashed with a large number of cars playing to the extent that the police had not counting yet.

Police also said that the number of dead could rise as some injured are in serious condition and at least one of them in critical condition.

The pictures showed debris burned and broken endash and definitely metal on the road remained closed for most of the day while police evacuated and rescue workers removed the injured and cars.
The television footage showed burned cars on the road.

Jenny Pitman said he saw a British Eye "I saw many ambulances and fire and saw smoke emitted from cars."

He added the incident on the road to reach the maximum speed it to 120 kilometers per hour worse because the number of buses on the road carrying workers to their workplaces.

Police said that 12 buses carrying about 300 workers in the outline is part of the incident that occurred six o'clock local time (0200 GMT).

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bonhams Instructed to Sell Richard C. Paine, Jr. Collection to Fund Legacy

Bonhams’ newly-formed New York-based motoring department today announced a ‘save the date’ must for the fall with the news that they will offer more than 60 motorcars, selected motorcycles and automobilia - all without reserve - from the famed Richard Paine Collection on September 26-27th, 2008.

New England collector Richard C. Paine, Jr. amassed a diverse collection of automobiles, motorcycles and automobilia which has gained near mythical status in the car collector world. In recent times many of these have been on public display at the Seal Cove Auto Museum near Bar Harbor, Maine. Upon Mr. Paine’s death last year, it was his wish that part of his collection be sold in order to perpetuate a core ‘group’ of motorcars celebrating his passions of local manufacture, technical innovation, and originality at Seal Cove.

A dedicated New Englander, Richard Paine adored his chosen home of Maine. For this reason Bonhams and the representatives of his estate have chosen to collaborate with The Owls Head Transportation Museum in Owls Head, Maine as the venue for the sale, a location which was close to his heart.

The sale will include an extraordinary selection of American and European marques, ranging from Cadillac to Stutz, Lincoln to Packard and Mercer to Mercedes, dating from the early 1900s through the 1960s, together with a large number of motorcycles of various manufacture, featuring legends such as Harley Davidson.

The presentation will be supported by an extensive collection of automobilia including books, enamel signs, car lamps, license plates, mascots and motoring accessories. While values spread from a few hundred dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars, all will be offered at no reserve.

“Bonhams specialists have been involved with this collection for more than two decades and are delighted to be chosen to hold this unique auction -- serving as a fitting tribute to Richard Paine and funding his beloved collection for the future,” said Rupert Banner, Bonhams Motoring Department Vice President.

Selected highlights of the auction will be on view at the ‘Legend of the Motorcycle’ sale on May 3 in Half Moon Bay, CA and at Bonhams’ sale ‘The Quail’ at Quail Lodge on August 15 in Carmel, CA, as well as at the Owls Head Transportation Museum and the Seal Cove Auto Museum throughout the summer.

Illustrated auction catalogs will be available for review and purchase from August 1st online at and may be ordered on (1-800-223-2854).
Defined tags for this entry: auction, automobilia, classic cars, for sale